Report and track your BT problem

Have a problem with your product or service? You've come to the right place. Report your problem and we’ll identify the cause and quickly find a solution to get you back up and running.


Choose your product and log in to our troubleshooter to report your problem. Our troubleshooter will run tests to identify the cause of the problem and explain how to fix it. If the problem can’t be fixed online you'll be able to arrange an engineer visit.

Test your broadband

Run tests to look for a fault and get a fix in less than 5 minutes

Book an engineer visit for major faults

Restart your router and get a call back if you're still having problems

Text us

Text HELP to 61998 (charges may apply at your standard rate).

Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm

Weekends and bank holidays, 8am to 8pm

Text us

Text PHONE to 61998 (charges may apply at your standard rate).

Monday to Friday 8am - 9pm

Weekends and bank holidays 8am - 8pm

Use troubleshooter

Run tests to find fault and solution in 10-30 mins