Biblatex citation order

You can achieve this by using the sorting=none option. Here is a fully working MWE:

\documentclass \usepackage[ %backend=biber, natbib=true, style=numeric, sorting=none ] \addbibresource \begin Aksin~\cite says one in his article. Aristotle~\cite says two in his book. Angenendt~\cite says three in his article. And Augustine \cite says four in his book. \printbibliography \end

From section 3.1.2 of the biblatex documentation:
biblatex knows various schemes for sorting, these are:

If sorting still fails, try backend=biber , it is more stable especially with UTF8 .bib files.
Instead of calling (pdf)latex , bibtex , (pdf)latex , (pdf)latex
you would then instead call (pdf)latex , biber , (pdf)latex .